July Red Rocks Trading Post Wedding – The Colberts

Casey and Laurie had an absolutely beautiful July wedding at the Trading Post at Red Rocks in Morrison, Colorado. Yes, granted Colorado in July is pretty toasty, but mother nature graced us with a bit of cloud cover to cool off for the ceremony. These two tied the knot overlooking the breathtaking flatirons surrounded by friends and family, 12 groomsmen and 10 bridesmaids! So honored to be part of this beautiful wedding day!bride-first-look bride-and-groom-at-red-rocks-overlookbride-walking-down-the-aislered-rocks-ceremony red-rocks-trading-post-ceremonyceremony-kiss-man-and-wife
groomsmen-in-suspenders wedding-party-on-steps
cake-cutting-bride-groomReception (25)

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